Personal Identification Information
HelloTik App respects user privacy. While users can access the app anonymously, we only collect personal identification details when voluntarily provided by users. Although users have the choice to withhold personal information, they are accountable for its accuracy. HelloTik is not liable for any incorrect or false information given by users. Those found providing misleading details may face restricted access to our services.

To support our research and development, HelloTik App features advertisements. These ads, presented by our partners, might use cookies to gather non-personal data. Rest assured, these cookies won't track personal details like your name or address. While ads aid our non-commercial pursuits, users can choose to block cookies or discontinue using our platform. Accepting ads is not mandatory.

Privacy Policy Updates
HelloTik reserves the right to revise this privacy policy. In the event of changes, we'll notify users via our app's main page and update the revision date. We recommend users revisit this section periodically to remain updated. Continued use of HelloTik signifies your agreement with any policy modifications.

Acceptance of Terms
Using HelloTik App indicates your agreement with our policies. If you disagree, please refrain from using our services. Note that continued access post-policy updates will be considered as acceptance of the changes.